hope you all had a fun Xmas and an amazing New Year.

02 Jan 2023, 11:13
hope you all had a fun Xmas and an amazing New Year! we're back from holidays and just finished the first 2023's team call so here's a little update for you 🙌 - mobile app progress is going well; soon will start testing it out - after the mobile app, we're looking to roll out the new platform, which was announced earlier. they requested extra functionalities AND the mobile app, so that will come first - removed the counter box and we will update the website - possible design upgrade in near future. Whitepaper should be added soon as well - to promote fabric we're planning a marketing campaign on the Asian market, but not only. likely a cex listing will follow also, so any suggestions and feedback are welcome on this matter! That should happen late jan or feb but no timeline yet so the order might change. Unless I forgot about something, that should be all 🤣 Will inform you when I know more specifics, back to work now